Friday, January 28, 2011


These were frustrating, paper is a difficult medium because it is so unforgivable. One bad move and you have to start again. but i think they came out okay. Now onto the tape!
oh and this cute face kept me motivated!

Happy Friday!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I make my bed daily; just not out of paper

 I like my bed, but i dislike the colors. I couldnt handle the paint job i did but im proud of my bed. I really do make my bed everyday now.  It helped with the process, and for now I'm happily in bed with this cute puppy ...
Happy saturday:)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Project: Paper cubes

after many pieces of papers, paper cuts, exacto blades, and time.....

I'm proud a stroke of some genius hit me! it was harder to think creatively then to build a box in this situation. Finally I decided on a light bulb you can see through the lamp shade.